ParaSearch - New Science - Psi-Forschung

Maria Michaela Habram-Blanke
First Results from a Virtual Research LAB

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Presented is consisting of 2 parts, a more theoretically based first one with some theory papers and a second part with the empirical results of the very first PSILAB-questionnaire.

The theoretically articles are about PSI (umbrella term), OSCs, biophotons, etc.. In the empirical part the questionnaire was including several UFO-Items and a lot of additional items, asking for example for life habits, socio-demographic issues, religious tendencies, general attitude towards aggressive behavior, frequency of meditation, vegetarian life style, occurrence of UFO-sightnings, whether humans think, ETs have good intentions, high or low religiosity in the main religions judaism, christianism, bhuddism, hinduism, islam and atheism or about the attitude towards aggressive behaviors in general and other items, especially in making a difference in the frequency of occurrences of spontaneous experiences in spook, precognition and telepathy, as the main appearances of PSI.

VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2008, 148 S.
59,00 Euro
ISBN: 978-3-8364-8395-7

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