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Robert A. Wilson
Cosmic Trigger
Vol.2. Down to Earth

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While this, the second volume of the Cosmic Trigger series, continues along the path set by the original Cosmic Trigger I--Final Secret of the Illuminati, it also stands solidly on its own. Any reader with an open mind and a sense of humor cannot help but be entertained and enlightened while following Wilson's explorations into such subjects as the future of cyberspace; the peculiarities of Irish jurisprudence; links among the Mafia, the CIA and the Catholic Church; anal-eroticism in The White House; the Dog Castrator of Palm Springs; and many more observations from his infinitely fertile brain.

About the author
Robert Anton Wilson is the coauthor (with the late Robert Shea), of the underground classic The Illuminatus! Trilogy which won the 1986 Prometheus Hall of Fame Award. His other writings include Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy, called "the most scientific of all science fiction novels" by New Scientist, and many nonfiction works of Futurist psychology and guerilla ontology. Wilson, who sees himself as a Futurist, author, and stand-up comic, regularly gives seminars at Esalan and other New Age centers. Wilson has made both a comedy record (Secrets of Power), and a punk rock record (The Chocolate Biscuit Conspiracy), and his play, Wilhelm Reich in Hell, has been performed throughout the world. His novel Illuminatus! was adapted as a 10-hour science fiction rock epic and performed under the patronage of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at Great Britain's National Theatre, where Wilson appeared in a special cameo role. He is also a former editor at Playboy magazine.

Der Autor
Robert Anton Wilson studierte unter anderem Mathematik, Elektrotechnik und Psychologie. Er ist Vizepräsident des Institute for the Study of Human Future in Berkeley und Autor von über dreißig Büchern, unter anderem der Trilogie "Illuminatus'" mit Robert Shea.

New Falcon Publications, 2000, 282 S.
21,40 Euro
ISBN: 978-1-56184-011-3

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